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Cross is an original text narrative game that tells a suspense story between the player and the main character Lucas. Together, the player and Lucas will discover the truth about the player's death. 

This game also included collaboration work with Sound designer Serena Lai, who provided all the amazing sound effects and background music. 

game rule

During the game, the player will need to pick the right choice to push the story forward, maintain a relationship with Lucas, and find out the truth about their murderer. 

There are four types of significant options.

1. Options change the relationship status between the player and Lucas. The relation status will determine if the player can reach the ending scene.
2. Options that send the player to death offhandedly.
3. Options that directly lead to a different ending.
(In the ending scene, the player will make two choices that point to four different endings.)
4. Options that change the dialog and gaming experience for the player.

Three chapters and nine different endings are presented in the game.

The first two chapters, "Forgiveness from the star" and "feeling lost is in human nature," start with an investigation process led by the text from the main character and end with a memory flashback. The last chapter, "Judgment in the deer eye," also begins with the text but soon digs into the process of final revelation followed by endings after the final judgment.

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A password puzzle is set in the first chapter; the rule is similar to the classical hanging man.  

A pretend game is also in the first chapter; the player will act as Lucas(who is not a severe person) to gain Ann's trust. 

A text chasing & hiding game is in the second chapter, where the player needs to judge the situation and guide Lucas away from his mother. More than three wrong choices will lead to an ending.


The story takes place in an unnamed town that contains both the rich and the poor. Issues such as unemployment and inequality were present everywhere. Recently, a series of robbing and murder cases have become the number one problem in the community. 

The last case happened three days ago. You died...

...And comes back with barely any memory. 

A guy named Lucas was texting you. He told you he is your cousin and thinks that solving your death must be why you "come back." Together with Lucas, you collected each piece of information about your death.

You visited the police station and the church and asked the only survivor from that case, your best friend, Ann. When she forgives you for leaving her and her brother behind, you regain your memory of Ann and the night you died.

The same thing happened when you were finding information in the church. When Lucas forgives you for your death, you unlock the memory of Lucas. You remembered when you learned about his brutal family and gave him the strength to leave this town. Lucas bought you a cross necklace. 

Later in Lucas' friend Carter's house, you find out that Lucas was not only in the same group that went around murdering people but also was the person who took your necklace. 

You asked him if he was your killer, among other questions. He arrived at your graveyard and confessed it was not intentional and that he only wanted to do something good for the town and get money for tickets to leave. Confronted by your question about why he didn't tell earlier, He said he also lost his memory. 

He asked for your forgiveness. 

Your choice will lead to one of the four endings. 

1. You choose to forgive and hide the truth. Lucas left town while the case was still unsolved. You crossover as he goes. (Good Ending 1)
2. You choose to forgive but expose the truth. Lucas decides to surrender to the police. You crossover as he enters the police station. (Good Ending2)
3. You choose not to forgive and expose the truth. Isaac kills Lucas, the phone is smashed, and you disappear. (Bad Ending)
4. You choose not to forgive but hide the truth. Lucas will leave town, but you'll be stuck in this phone until you let it all go. (Normal Ending)


Player Character


Character the player is going to control. Blake is dead before the game start and becomes a ghost on Lucas’ phone. Their gender will not be revealed in the story, nor is their image. Before death, Blake cares deeply for Lucas and always wears his neckless. 

Other Characters


He is Blake's cousin and cares deeply for them. He is an abused teenager with a funny personality. He is the person who guides the player toward the truth from the beginning.


Blake's best friend since primary school. Grew up with Blake and used to count stars together. After the murder, only Ann survives. 


Blake's best friend since primary school. Grew up with Blake and used to count stars together. After the murder, only Ann survives. 

The Sheriff

The sheriff of this town, is a nice person with the right heart, but can not solve all the issue in the town. 

Policeman A

They will talk about the case in the police station. Each of them is having different view on the case.


Belong to the outlaw group in the town, all members wearing masks in action. While Carter takes Lucas as a friend, Issac only wants to kill people.

Policeman B

They will talk about the case in the police station. Each of them is having different view on the case.


Belong to the outlaw group in the town, all members wearing masks in action. While Carter takes Lucas as a friend, Issac only wants to kill people.

Policeman C

They will talk about the case in the police station. Each of them is having different view on the case.

The Priest

An old priest living in the town church likes to provide a helping hand and guide people when they need it. Know a little about town legend tales and something about exorcism. 


The first few iterations were the script and the game's design sketches. 

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Lucas was originally designed as "knowing the truth but hiding from you the whole time because of his guilt ."That version did not work so well, considering that the players will less likely accept this deception and would lean toward unforgiveness. Setting Lucas in the same position as the player, who also lost the memory because of the trauma, would be more acceptable.

Also, fewer endings are provided in the first few versions of the script, and fewer small puzzles are designed. Overall the game was "following the conversation and making your choice," which is not that attractive. After many playthroughs of the script and consulting with others' opinions, I added more interactive elements and "death endings" to increase the game's difficulty.

The first beta test version was completed around Sep 19. That version includes all the structures and words in the game, only lacks the artwork and sounds. 5 Testers were invited to play the game and give feedback via a survey.

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12 Questions were asked. 

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Overall, the tester expressed an average of 8 points for the game, 8.4 for the character Lucas and all character interactions. 1 out of four testers thought the game could be a little longer. All the testers recognized the game goal was clear. 4 thought they were a little confused in some of the choices, but overall, it was alright. 4 thought the story progression was logical enough. 4 thought the story was great, and 5 thought the dialogue was not offensive. For the last question, 4 thought they would definitely play for different endings and choices, while 1 went for a maybe. 

Some written explanation is shown here.

Based on the beta test result. I changed the puzzles to more manageable levels and more chances for backup decisions. They lose only if a player makes ALL the wrong choices in a puzzle. The character will also provide a roundabout warning with their word. I also switch the text font for a clearer view. 

 The second round of beta tests is done by interviewing and observing testers playing the game; This time, the game is completed with the art and sound. All the testers agree that the art improved the storyline and clarified the plot, which significantly helps build a connection with Lucas when he has an image. Bugs were found as the tester sometimes gets stuck in a circle in a few choices, and sometimes the images need to be shown right, and there are some typos in the sentences. 

After fixing all that problems, the final version is what I am presenting now. 

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