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Baba Yaga

A design of Baba Yaga with three bodies that merge together, each with a different symbol and personality. The illustration is showing her in a ritual.


Observer(Number 408) 


An observer(number 408) send by a hidden humanoid reptile civilization to investigate human culture.
Character design and vehicle design from rainforest to city.


We who are lost

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In the future, human clashed with a alien civilization. 
Father was killed in the world protecting the Earth.
Son growing up hating the aliens.
he join the army to fight, then get infected, he was scared, disturbed and lost.
With time and struggle(he lost one leg in the later part of the war), in the end, there is understanding. He changed his opinion and build a relationship with the alien.
The war between human and alien comes to an end with negotiation. All is well.

Character design with time progression.
Illustration shows the scene of the son being newly infected and thinking about his father in despair.

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Basement Scene

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Zhao Angel final environment.jpg


Of Life and Men story

when humans finally have the power of freely traveling in the galaxy, people begin to go to a different planet for research, resources, and colony. A team was sent to exploit a newfound planet named N49. Planet N49 is a lovely place full of many kinds of novel life forms. One of them is large whale-like creatures that flow in the air, traveling in groups. They are powerful hunters in the sky but peaceful when not disturbed.

The team, when on a mission, accidentally destroyed a nest, leaving only one of the youngling alive. One of a more compassionate team member took it back and hide it in his room.

Everything was okay for a while, the human was able to take care of the youngling but soon the creature grew and became more aggressive and dangerous.

Finally, it tore some of the team members into pieces and in grief the human took out his gun, aiming at the creature.

At that moment the room began to shake, and the ceiling was broken by a large tentacle. The tentacle efficiently killed the human before he can fire.

It was the elder creature and behind it, in the sky was its group, welcoming back their lost child.

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