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This concept design project extends upon the story in the game Destination: The moon, and presents visual art for the game.

The project includes character design, veichle design, zbrush modeling, and scene illustration. 

Softwares: Photoshop, Procreate, Zbrush.

Find_the_Moon 0223.jpg

Scene illustration:  The astronaut arrives at the room and sees the moon for the first time.

at the workshop 5.jpg

Scene illustration:  The astronaut and the machinist working at the workshop.

To the moon 0223.JPG

Scene illustration:  The astronaut and the final try for reaching the moon.


A plastic toy astronaut was made, sold, and arrived at the child's room in a box package. Facing the world first time outside of the factory, initially, she was unsure what was the meaning of her existence. 

All the other toys seemed content with their style of life, and she....just didn't understand. 

One day, the tiny astronaut looked up and saw a shining 'moon' up in the highest place on the bookshelf. Right there and then, she decided that was to be her mission, her goal, and her destination in this place.  

The first few tries were disastrous. One time, she crashed into a workshop with a burning rocket. A voice rebuked her when she looked around for that voice in the wreckage....a fuming ball-jointed doll was standing there. 

Later, the astronaut would know the doll was a machinist. 

Later, the machinist would be her best friend and love. 

Following her journey to the moon, with each try and fail, with friends who supported her and enemies who hindered her, the astronaut will slowly find out what it means to live, which is much more complicated than a concrete and tangible goal.


Rocket Design

3D Model & Illustration


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